News & Event

Commemorate 2023 World Environment Day, Indocement Carries Out Cleanup Actions

Indocement commemorated World Environment Day 2023 by carrying out a Water Cleanup and Waste Management with Indocement (Ber-AKSI) action simultaneously on June 10, 2023 at three factory complexes, 430 participants took part in this activity.

Pembersihan Sampah di Sungai Cileungsi
Employee of Citeureup Factory and the community carried out a waste cleanup action in the Cileungsi River, the team in Citeureup successfully cleaned up 1.3 tons of waste consisting of 374 kg of organic waste and 970 kg of non-organic waste.

Pembersihan sampah di saluran irigasi Desa Palimanan Barat
Employees of the Cirebon Factory and the community carried out a cleanup action on the agricultural irrigation channels in Palimanan Barat Village, the team in Cirebon successfully cleaned up 10 tons of waste consisting of 2 tons of organic waste and 8 tons of non-organic waste.

Pembersihan sampah di pantai
Employees of the Tarjun Factory Complex and the community carried out a cleanup action on the coast of Tarjun Village and Selat Laut, the team in Tarjun successfully cleaned up 5 tons of waste consisting of 0.5 tons of organic waste and 4.5 tons of non-organic waste.

This action successfully cleaned up a total of 16.3 tons of waste consisting of organic and non-organic waste.