The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is established to assist the functions and duties related to Nomination and Remuneration of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. Furthermore, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee conducts supervisory function and ensures that the implementation of nomination and remuneration process runs objectively, effectively, and efficiently, as well as in accordance with the principles of HR management and GCG.
Legal Basis
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
To support the effectiveness of duties and responsibilities implementation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Commissioners has prepared a Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter under the Board of Commissioners' Decision Letter No. 007/Kpts/Kom/ITP/XII/2015 dated 4 December 2015. Such charter becomes the Nomination and Remuneration Committee's work reference in performing its duties and reponsibilities.
The Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee was approved and signed by the Board of Commissioners on December 4, 2015, with the stipulation in the Decree of Board of Commissioners Number 007/ Kpts/Kom/ITP/XII/2015. Nomination and Remuneration Charter can be downloaded here.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Membership
Based on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, shall at least have three members, one of which is an Independent Commissioner appointed as Chairman. Other members may come from the members of Board of Commissioners or independent party or external parties or the official of the Company’s managerial element, but not the Board of Directors’ member.
The structure and composition of the Indocement Nomination and Remuneration Committee can be seen in the About Us Menu >> Management
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meetings
Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s Program Report
In 2023, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee organized activities as follows:
Board of Directors Succession Policy
To prepare for the future leadership regeneration, the Company has a Succession Policy which is carried out based on the Good Corporate Governance principles, professionalism, and competence in order to maintain the continuity of the ABM leadership regeneration process and grant the business sustainability as well as the Company' long-term objectives. In line with this matter, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the duties to compile, review, and propose the succession plan for the Board of Directors' members by considering, among others, the competence criteria, professionalism, and work ethics required by the Company in order to increase the Company's values towards shareholders and other stakeholders. These criteria are references for the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in identifying candidates who meet the requirements as the Board of Directors' members (both internally and externally), evaluating the Board of Directors' performance, and preparing the necessary leadership development programs. Candidates selected through such mechanism are proposed to the GMS for approval.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Competency Development Program
Throughout 2023, members of the Indocement Nomination and Remuneration Committee have participated in various competency improvement programs in the form of training, workshops, conferences and seminars.