

Customers and Quality

Coverage And Scope Of Responsibility For Consumers

The coverage and scope of the Company’s responsibilities for consumers are as stipulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, in particular, Article 7, which regulates the obligations of business actors as follows:

  1. Having good faith in carrying out its business activities;
  2. Providing true, clear, and honest information on the conditions and guarantees of goods and/or services and providing an explanation of the use, repair, and maintenance;
  3. Treating or serving consumers properly, honestly, and not discriminatory;
  4. Guaranteeing the quality of goods and/or services produced and/or trade based on the applicable provisions of the quality standard of such goods and/ or services;
  5. Providing opportunities for consumers to test and/or try certain goods and/or services as well as providing guarantees and/or warranty for goods manufactured and/or traded;
  6. Providing compensation, indemnity, and/or replacement for losses resulting from the use, usage, and utilization of traded goods and/or services;
  7. Providing compensation, indemnity, and/or replacement in the event that the goods and/or services received or used are not in accordance with the agreement

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities For Customers

Product Information

Indocement provides clear information on each product it produces. On product packaging, the Company always includes product specifications including the ingredients, instructions for use, and safety procedures. This is intended to make it easier for consumers to get products according to their needs. Indocement also provides various media that consumers can use to obtain information on the marketed products, including the Indocement website, Semen Tiga Roda website, Semen Rajawali website, advertisements in the conventional media, brochures, and social media.

Communication and Education

In order for consumers to know more about the marketed products' specifications and application, the Company conducts communication and education programs. One of the steps taken by the Company is to build two-way communication with customers. This step is taken to improve the quality of service to customers.

Some of the communication and education programs carried out by the Company include:

  1. Forming “Sahabat Tiga Roda” and “Mitra Semen Tiga Roda”, consisting of building material store customers, contractor customers, and developers, who meet the stipulated terms and conditions.
  2. Communicate through digital assets namely: Semen Tiga Roda website, Facebook (Semen Tiga Roda), Twitter (@sementigaroda), Instagram (@sementigaroda), and Youtube (Semen Tiga Roda). for Semen Rajawali customers, the Company also has social media accounts namely Facebook (Semenrajawali), Twitter (@Semenrajawali), Instagram (@Semenrajawali) dan Youtube (Semen Rajawali).
  3. SETARA program to improve the quality of construction workers in order to produce better jobs for their customers.
  4. Providing technical support services to assist and facilitate Sahabat Tiga Roda in terms of a technical process of using cement in the field.
  5. Publishing “KOKOH” bulletin as a communication media with Sahabat Tiga Roda.
  6. Conducting various activities aiming at strengthening relationship and consolidation with customers, including:
    • Survey to building material stores;
    • Gathering with Sahabat Tiga Roda and Mitra Semen Tiga Roda;
    • Fun Activities (sports and hobbies) and gathering with bulk cement customers;
    • Attractive promos for retail customers.

Customer’s Health and Safety

Indocement carries out business processes by performing accredited operating procedures, from the planning stage to product distribution. In addition, the Company also sets accredited safety and health standards to reduce health and safety problems for consumers.

To ensure consumer safety, the Company produces bagged cement weighing 40 kilograms and 50 kilograms. This is in line with the maximum ergonomic weight that humans can lift without tools.

The Company complements every product produced and sold to customers, with information regarding quality and other specifications, listed on the outside of the package and contain:

  1. The symbol/logo of the company;
  2. Name of product;
  3. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) number;
  4. Weight in packing;
  5. Type of cement;
  6. Instructions for use;
  7. Customer service number if there is a grievance/complaint.

Customer Complaint Channel

Indocement has a customer service center that can be used by customers to obtain information related to the Company’s products and services as well as a channel to file customer complaints, through:

During 2023, there were 176 customer complaints and all of them (100%) were resolved by the relevant units.