

Human Rights

Commitment And Policy Of Social Responsibility For Human Rights

Indocement is committed to giving great attention to the fulfillment of Human Rights, both human rights relating to Company employees and other stakeholders. As a public company, Indocement always strives to fulfill human rights based on the universally applicable provisions, the laws and regulations in Indonesia, and the Company’s internal regulations.

The affirmation of the Company’s commitment to fulfilling its human-rights-related responsibilities as stated in the Collective Labor Agreement between Indocement Management and the Indocement Trade Union within the Company.

Social Responsibility Implementation Related To Human Rights

Implementation of Human Rights in Manpower Aspect

Healthy and harmonious industrial relations must be based on awareness of the rights and obligations of each party, including the fulfillment of human rights provisions. For this reason, the Company guarantees the implementation of human rights principles in the Company’s operational activities.

Freedom of Association and Assembly

As stipulated in Article 28 of the 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Law No. 21 of 2000 on Trade/Labor Unions, freedom of association and assembly is everyone’s right, in this case, the Company’s employees. Therefore, Indocement guarantees its workers’ rights to associate, gather, and express opinions. The Company also supports employee activities in association by forming a trade union organization.

Currently, there are three trade unions at Indocement, namely:

  • Trade Union of Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Citeureup Unit, Bogor, registered on Bogor Regency Social and Manpower Office No. 161/OP.SP.ITP/03.35.161/03/X/ II/02 dated 4 February 2002
  • Trade Union of Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Cirebon Unit, Cirebon, registered on Cirebon Regency Manpower and Transmigration Office No. 560/03/XI/KAB. CRB/SP-CRB/2006 dated 6 November 2006
  • Trade Union of Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tarjun Unit, Kotabaru, registered on Kotabaru Regency Manpower and Transmigration Office No. 560,568/16/Naker dated 6 April 2002.

Free from Forced Labor Practices

Indocement applies regulations of working hours in accordance with Article 77 of Law No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower, which are 40 hours a week. This regulation has been included in the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA). In Article 17 of Chapter VII of CLA X for the Period of 2023–2024.

With such working time and hours, the Company ensures that there are no forced labor practices in the Company’s environment, because employees have sufficient rest time. In addition, the Company also provides various types of leave rights to employees whose terms and conditions have also been regulated in the CLA, namely Article 35 Chapter XI CLA X for the Period of 2023–2024.

As a form of commitment to eradicating forced labor practices, the Company also applies the same provisions to partners and vendors who cooperate with the Company.

Child Labor

The Company has set a minimum age limit for prospective employees to be 18 years old. This matter is stated in the requirements for the recruitment of Indocement employees. This policy is a form of the Company’s commitment to eliminating the practice of using child or underage labor. This provision also applies to partners and vendors who cooperate with the Company.

Job Opportunities for People with Disabilities

The Company provides opportunities for people with disabilities to work in a certain section according to their expertise. Currently, there is one disabled worker who works at the Company and placed as admin role at Citeureup Factory

Human Rights Training for Security Units

The Company’s Security Department receives internal training on the code of ethics and the deepening of CLA, which also contains regulations for the protection of human rights. These two pieces of training are included in the compulsory training list for the Company’s security department.

Respect for the Customary Rights of Local Communities

The Company respects the basic rights of the community, especially the community around the Company’s operational location. Therefore, the Company takes a number of approaches that are integrated with CSR programs. The Company ensures that the approach, interaction, communication, and engagement of the community around the operational area are carried out without intimidation, with full of respect and understanding of the local culture and the rights of the indigenous peoples, and are based on the mutually beneficial principle.