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Appreciating Partner Village Waste Bank, Indocement Held 2024 Waste Bank Awards

Apresiasi Bank Sampah Desa Mitra, Indocement Kembali Selenggarakan Bank Sampah Awards 2024

PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. (Indocement) is again holding the 2024 Indocement Bank Sampah Awards (IBSA) to give appreciation to partner village Waste Banks that consistently carry out environmental activities through education and waste sorting. 

This award program for partner village waste banks is the fourth activity carried out by Indocement, with the slogan "Memories can be lost, 1,000 years of plastic will not be lost." Come on, let's manage waste wisely!, the activity took place in two sessions, started from the judging session on 10 December 2024 located at KRL Puring, RW 11 Puspanegara Village, Bogor Regency, continued by the awarding session on 12 December 2024 at Indocement Harmony Corner, Indocement Citeureup Factory, Bogor Regency. A total of 22 active Indocement partner KRL waste banks and several newly established waste banks took part in the 2024 IBSA selection and enthusiastically welcomed the awards event for Waste Banks initiated by Indocement.

IBSA 2024 presented four guest judges, Nur Haryanti, S.Si. (Chair of the Bogor Regency DLH Waste Reduction Team), Ir. Eran Subarna, M.M. (Intermediate Environmental Impact Control Function DLH Bogor Regency), Kirman Nurdin Alamsyah (Project Coordinator Plastic Bank Foundation), and Abu Rifki (Citeureup District Environmental Task Force). Apart from the Waste Bank performance assessment session, a consultation session was also held for the Waste Bank administrators to obtain positive input that could be used to improve the quality and activities of their respective Waste Banks.

In the IBSA 2024 event, there were nine partner waste banks that entered the grand final round, each Waste Bank was given the challenge of demonstrating recycling fashion and performing stage acts singing songs with the theme of an invitation to protect the earth. The performance was assessed by a jury of guests at the awards ceremony on December 12, 2024.

The winners of the 2024 Indocement Bank Sampah Awards are as follows:

Platinum Category

  1. 1st Place: Bersinar Waste Bank, Gunung Sari Village
  2. 2nd Place: Zalak 2 Waste Bank, Gunung Putri Village
  3. 3rd place: Amanah Waste Bank, Puspanegara Village

Gold Category

  1. 1st Place: Mede Waste Bank, Gunung Putri Village
  2. 2nd Place: Kancil Waste Bank, Puspanegara Village 
  3. 3rd place: BS Kiara 41, Tarikolot Village

Silver Category

  1. 1st Place: Eleven Waste Bank, Puspanegara Village 
  2. 2nd Place: Maritime Waste Bank, Tarikolot Village
  3. 3rd place: Ragam Lestari Waste Bank, Leuwikaret Village

It is hoped that with IBSA 2024, partner Waste Banks will be increasingly motivated to contribute well to the environment, can explore creativity in processing recycled materials into products of high artistic value, provide education to partner Waste Banks to consistently carry out good and structured records, as well as encourage the establishment of new Waste Banks in Indocement partner villages.