News & Event

HBI 2024 Indocement Renovates Various Buildings

HBI 2024, Indocement Renovasi Berbagai Bangunan

In commemoration of Indonesia Building Day (HBI Day) on November 11, Indocement carried out various renovations of buildings in its partner villages.

At the Citeureup Plant, Indocement conducted community service and renovated the Samaduha Mosque at the Gunungputri Village Office, as well as repaired an uninhabitable house in Lulut Village.

At the Cirebon Plant, Indocement repaired an uninhabitable house owned by Mr. Supardi and Mrs. Katem in Block Desa RT/RW 02/01, Cupang Village, Cirebon Regency. The owners are visually impaired and work as massage therapists. Meanwhile, at the Tarjun Plant, Indocement provided assistance for the construction of public toilets in Sungai Kupang Village.

It is hoped that this assistance will help improve the living standards of the community.